Saison 1

Wild Dogs: Running with - Meet The Packs
Épisode 1: Meet The Packs

Connect with the three packs: the large Manzi pack in the lush heartland, the Kakuli pack in the Badlands, and the tiny Stork Colony pack living at the park’s edge. Follow Julz as he shares their vict...

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Wild Dogs: Running with - A Close Encounter
Épisode 2: A Close Encounter

Feel the heat as rising temps mean that water is getting scarce. The Manzi pack must stand alongside predators to hydrate at a remaining precious water spot.

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Wild Dogs: Running with - Stork Pack in Trouble
Épisode 3: Stork Pack in Trouble

Agonize over a lost Stork pack puppy, and tussle with Manzi pups who are sorting their place in the hierarchy, figuring out noisy-neighbour friends and foes. Hop on a search mission with Julz for the ...

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Wild Dogs: Running with - Big Cats, Big Trouble
Épisode 4: Big Cats, Big Trouble

Dodge a leopard with the Manzi dogs while they treat themselves to a stolen feast. No such luck for the Kakuli pack on the hunt, as they’re foiled by a brave puku antelope.

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Wild Dogs: Running with - The Lost Boy
Épisode 5: The Lost Boy

Film a wild dog hunt with Julz as he catches up with the Manzi pack at a kill, and watch for leopards and hyenas as the Kakuli pack takes great risks while waiting for the rains to come. Go on an epic...

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Wild Dogs: Running with - Here Comes the Rain
Épisode 6: Here Comes the Rain

Welcome the rains as an emotional Julz says farewell to the dog packs. He discovers the Stork Colony pups hunting guinea fowl, and is heartened to find the Kakuli pups feeding on an antelope carcass.

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À propos de la série

Genres: Documentaire
Love Nature
Wild Dogs: Running with


Wild Dogs: Running with

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