Saison 2

Strange Creatures - Chemical Weapons
Épisode 1: Chemical Weapons

Keep your distance from these natural-born killers. Armed with venom and other poisonous tools that make hunting easier (and escape impossible), nudibranches, cuttlefish, giant centipedes, and assassi...

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Strange Creatures - Strange Powers
Épisode 2: Strange Powers

Examine the lives of creatures with really strange skills. From poison-shooting arachnids to ink-bombing octopuses to bifocal-eyed beetles, these animals use their powers to help them defeat predators...

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Strange Creatures - Ocean Oddballs
Épisode 3: Ocean Oddballs

Dive into the lives of the ocean’s weirdest animals. Looking into a whitemargin stargazer fish’s eyes can be a shocking experience (literally), while predators hoping to take down a peacock mantis shr...

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Strange Creatures - Anatomy Gone Wild
Épisode 4: Anatomy Gone Wild

Evolution has granted some animals a distinct advantage over their opponents. Investigate the perfect body-part mutations that have given wunderpus octopuses, axolotls, royal spoonbills, aye-ayes, and...

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Strange Creatures - Giant Creepy Crawlers
Épisode 5: Giant Creepy Crawlers

Crawl along with some of the world’s fiercest insects. Watch as giant cockroaches build their immune systems to ensure long life.

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Strange Creatures - Camouflage and Colouration
Épisode 6: Camouflage and Colouration

Hiding in plain sight helps many insect, fish, and amphibian species survive. Learn the ins and outs of an array of animal invisibility techniques, such as warning and disruptive colouration, mimicry,...

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À propos de la série

Genres: Documentaire
Love Nature
Strange Creatures



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