Saison 1

Strange Creatures - Stinkers
Épisode 1: Stinkers

In nature, the right stench can mean the difference between life or death. Meet nature's odor-equipped inhabitants, from vomiting grasshoppers to dung-flinging hippos, and even a flower that's adapted...

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Strange Creatures - Winged Weirdos
Épisode 2: Winged Weirdos

One uses a mustache to attract mates and another has a bill so big, it needs special vertebrae to carry it. Learn how nature's flying iconoclasts have evolved their appearance in order to survive.

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Strange Creatures - Ugly
Épisode 3: Ugly

Gawk at some of the world’s ugliest animals who owe their survival to the adaptations that made them so strange. A pudgy wolf eel, naked mole rat, and hideous sea lamprey may be superficially grotesqu...

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Strange Creatures - Creepy Crawlers
Épisode 4: Creepy Crawlers

Witness the tiny creatures that make us squirm while hiding admirable survival skills. From playing dead, removing a tail, or being able to lift objects 30 times their weight, these insects conquer th...

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Strange Creatures - Identity Crisis
Épisode 5: Identity Crisis

Are they guinea pigs, beavers, or something else? Capybaras embody the features of several different animals at once, as do warthogs, anteaters, and other fascinating genetic hybrids. Learn why these ...

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Strange Creatures - Tricksters
Épisode 6: Tricksters

The animal kingdom is filled with mimicry, transformation, and trickery. Discover how stick bugs, lion fish, emperor scorpions, and chameleons use camouflage and confusion to deceive.

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Strange Creatures - Dino
Épisode 7: Dino

T-Rex and chickens seem to be as different as they can be, but they more in common that you might think. Recent research reveals that some of our favourite dinosaurs were very birdlike, and that birds...

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À propos de la série

Genres: Documentaire
Love Nature
Strange Creatures



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