Saison 2

Wildlife Er - Start of Trauma Season
Épisode 1: Start of Trauma Season

Scramble as the ER team tends to a spring flood of patients. Watch vet Phil stabilize an ailing joey as the rescue team fends off a rude kangaroo.

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Wildlife Er - Operation Pelican
Épisode 2: Operation Pelican

Head out with rescuer Jo to scoop up a pelican who’s swallowed a fish hook, then see Sam free a newborn bat tangled in a fence. Follow vet Tim, who aids a surly koala with an eye infection, and watch ...

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Wildlife Er - Gutsy Koala
Épisode 3: Gutsy Koala

Shadow vet Bec, who patches up dog-bitten koala Rachel, and new vets Ruby and Kerryn, who soothe a pack of itchy possums. Free a pair of kookaburras trapped in a wall with rescue officer Dani and watc...

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Wildlife Er - Brisbane Raid
Épisode 4: Brisbane Raid

Chase the team as they triage patients from a hoarding case, then free a tangled-up ibis with rescue officers Jo and Chantelle. Check on a baby koala that took a swan dive with vet Mel and play the wa...

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Wildlife Er - Duckling Dramas
Épisode 5: Duckling Dramas

Deal with duelling duckling roundups and find out if vet Karina calls in specialists to treat koala Spike’s leg fracture. Get to the bottom of stomach issues plaguing baby echidnas Ping and Pong, and ...

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Wildlife Er - Into the Sunset
Épisode 6: Into the Sunset

Contend with a flood of abandoned koala joeys, then join vet nurse Nick on a hunt for natural remedies to treat a wallaby’s gut ailment. Ponder options for a baby bat stuck in a tree and look on as ve...

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À propos de la série

Genres: Documentaire
Love Nature
Wildlife Er



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