Saison 1

Wild Pacific Rescue - Baby Sea Otter Finds a Family
Épisode 1: Baby Sea Otter Finds a Family

Join the vet and his team in saving a massive sea lion caught in a plastic noose, and then visit the Rescue Centre, where a harbour seal pup may lose its eyesight and a baby sea otter needs a risky bu...

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Wild Pacific Rescue - Battle to Save a Sea Lion
Épisode 2: Battle to Save a Sea Lion

Battle wind and waves to find a sea lion trapped in a plastic ring. Then visit the rescue centre, where over 80 orphan seals must be fed several times a day to prepare for release into the wild, and s...

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Wild Pacific Rescue - One Very Lost Sea Turtle
Épisode 3: One Very Lost Sea Turtle

Follow the team in healing and releasing a grumpy sea turtle, and then meet a sea lion with an unusual injury that must be taken by crane to the rescue centre. Find out how the vet aids an aging fruit...

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À propos de la série

Genres: Documentaire
Love Nature
Wild Pacific Rescue



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