Saison 1

Volcanic Odysseys - Crossing the Danakil
Épisode 1: Crossing the Danakil

Grab a front row seat at one of the world’s few accessible lava lakes. Travel with a group to the geologically-active Danakil Depression in Ethiopia and visit the summit of one of the world’s most act...

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Volcanic Odysseys - The Child of Fire
Épisode 2: The Child of Fire

Italy’s Mount Etna is one of the best places for volcano watchers. Join a team heading to Italy to capture a paroxysmal eruption which produces spectacular lava fountains that can shoot as high as a k...

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Volcanic Odysseys - The Gates of Hell
Épisode 3: The Gates of Hell

A Hawaiian volcano called Kilauea is one of the most active in the world. After years of constant lava activity, see how a sudden collapse of the crater floor and a massive eruption drains it of lava,...

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Volcanic Odysseys - The Fires of Pele
Épisode 4: The Fires of Pele

Visit Anak Krakatoa as it enters a violent phase. Known as “The Child of Fire,” this volcano is an ancestor of Krakatoa, a volcano known for the largest eruption in modern history.

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À propos de la série

Genres: Documentaire
Love Nature
Volcanic Odysseys


Volcanic Odysseys

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