Saison 1

Rooted - Memoirs of Acacia
Épisode 1: Memoirs of Acacia

Across rippled dunes, in the wind-swept grasslands of the southern Kalahari towers a magnificent Camelthorn. It has stood here for two centuries.

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Rooted - Sweet Seduction
Épisode 2: Sweet Seduction

Discover the story of the much loved Sausage Tree, whose nectar filled blooms and sausage shaped fruits entice animals of all kinds, from insects to elephants. See how the very animals who rely on thi...

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Rooted - The Giant
Épisode 3: The Giant

In a misty South African forest grows a six hundred year old Outeniqua Yellowwood. At forty meters tall, she towers above the canopy and is one of the few remaining of her kind.

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Rooted - Rock Splitter
Épisode 4: Rock Splitter

The hardy Namaqua Rock Fig grips a rocky South African slope. Learn how this tree is able to endure rising temperatures and less rainfall each year by sending aggressive roots into the earth for water...

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Rooted - The Hollow Heart
Épisode 5: The Hollow Heart

Learn the story of the tree with the ‘Hollow Heart’. Baobabs have been around for eight hundred years and survive extreme drought by storing water in their trunks, which elephants break off to eat in ...

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À propos de la série

Genres: Documentaire
Love Nature



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