Saison 1

Reef Wrecks - Reef Wrecks of Bonaire
Épisode 1: Reef Wrecks of Bonaire

Bonaire, a small island in the Southwest Caribbean, hosts one of the world’s most vibrant reef ecosystems-and a collection of stunning shipwrecks. Meet the tarpon, eagle rays and tiny sea creatures th...

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Reef Wrecks - Florida Keys Shipwreck Trail
Épisode 2: Florida Keys Shipwreck Trail

The Florida Keys are home to as many as 1000 shipwrecks! They form what is known as “The Shipwreck Trail,” a line-up of artificial reefs that provide the perfect shelter for fish-and a feeding ground ...

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Reef Wrecks - Bahamas Hollywood Wrecks
Épisode 3: Bahamas Hollywood Wrecks

The Bahamas is known as the “underwater movie capital of the world”. Hollywood has been coming here for decades, making epic movies and TV shows in its crystal clear waters, leaving behind a host of c...

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Reef Wrecks - Reef Wrecks of Roatan
Épisode 4: Reef Wrecks of Roatan

Roatan is known for its climate, white sandy beaches-and shipwrecks. From the decades-old Prince Albert to the newly-sunken Odyssey and Mr.

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Reef Wrecks - Mexico's Arificial Reefs
Épisode 5: Mexico's Arificial Reefs

From opportunistic pirate ships to well-armed navy vessels, the Yucatan Peninsula is home to a variety of reef wrecks. With moray eels, schools of rays, and thousands of other creatures, these sunken ...

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À propos de la série

Genres: Documentaire
Love Nature
Reef Wrecks



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