Saison 1

Planet Shark - Ultimate Predator
Épisode 1: Ultimate Predator

Stalk the seas with sharks as they hunt using heightened senses and killer instincts. Watch a whitetip reef shark put its electrical sensors to work finding its prey’s heartbeat, and the pelagic thres...

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Planet Shark - Ocean Voyagers
Épisode 2: Ocean Voyagers

Navigate the ocean’s vast distances, depths, and darkness with nomadic sharks that thrive in the blue emptiness. Meet a lone blue shark traversing stormy Atlantic seas, and hundreds of hammerheads ret...

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Planet Shark - In The Extreme
Épisode 3: In The Extreme

Follow a host of sharks with extraordinary abilities that allow them to thrive in the most adverse conditions around the globe. Observe nearly blind Greenland sharks made for life in freezing Arctic w...

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À propos de la série

Genres: Documentaire
Love Nature
Planet Shark



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