Saison 1

Extreme Africa - Dragon Mountain: Surviving the Summit
Épisode 1: Dragon Mountain: Surviving the Summit

Every step up the mighty Drakensberg reveals new species who showcase attributes that enable them to endure their harsh mountain home. Meet the sun gazer, the intriguingly named suicide lizard, the ic...

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Extreme Africa - Lake Manyara National Park
Épisode 2: Lake Manyara National Park

Tanzania's Lake Manyara National Park boasts a number of diverse habitats. From woodland savannas to grassy marshes, visit a region that is a special part of the east African ecosystem and provides a ...

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Extreme Africa - The Simien Mountains
Épisode 3: The Simien Mountains

Known as "the roof of Africa," the Simien mountains hold the rarest creatures on the continent. Travel among plunging cliffs and lush greenery to discover native wildlife like the magnificent walia ib...

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Extreme Africa - The Southern Drylands
Épisode 4: The Southern Drylands

Venture into the heart of Namibia, where parts of the landscape receive less than an inch of rain each year. Find incredibly resilient creatures from the largest mammals to the fastest insects and a g...

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Extreme Africa - Etosha: The Great White Place
Épisode 5: Etosha: The Great White Place

Explore a corner of Namibia dominated by stifling heat and parched sand. But the margins of Etosha National Park are dotted with oases that attract herds of thirsty creatures, antelopes, exotic birds,...

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Extreme Africa - The Linear Oasis
Épisode 6: The Linear Oasis

The 1,200 mile Orange River is the longest in South Africa. Follow its westward journey, and see a diverse sample of wildlife from powerful swimming birds like the African darter, to flat lizards who ...

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À propos de la série

Genres: Documentaire
Love Nature
Extreme Africa


Extreme Africa

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