Saison 1

Chasing The Rains - The Fickle River
Épisode 1: The Fickle River

Travel to Samburu, where matriarch Anastasia turns her elephant herd north after a local river dries up. Then, in Naboisho, see cheetah mum Kuleta evade a crafty pack of hyenas.

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Chasing The Rains - Blood and Dust
Épisode 2: Blood and Dust

Discover the clever way elephants dig wells, and see the relief that comes with a sudden river-filling downpour. Mourn cheetah Kuleta’s loss after lions kill one of her cubs, and get a front-row seat ...

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Chasing The Rains - Praying for Rain
Épisode 3: Praying for Rain

Trail Anastasia as her herd splits to protect two precious elephant calves, while Kuleta retakes territory for her remaining cheetah cubs. Join wild dog Phoenix’s search for a new mate as the skies op...

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Chasing The Rains - The Inside Story
Épisode 4: The Inside Story

Look behind the scenes and meet the innovative teams working to preserve and protect Kenya’s wildlife. Check out Save the Elephants’ radio-tracking-collar system, a drone that monitors wild dog packs,...

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À propos de la série

Genres: Documentaire
Love Nature
Chasing The Rains



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