Saison 1

Brazil Untamed - Monkey Garden
Épisode 1: Monkey Garden

Explore the southern edge of the Pantanal, where brown capuchin monkeys live in their own Garden of Eden. Dry season in the highlands treats them well until a drought dries up their food sources.

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Brazil Untamed - Bird Paradise
Épisode 2: Bird Paradise

Witness the arrival of more than 650 bird species to the marshes and treetops of the Pantanal. Breeding season is accompanied by feasts for jabiru storks, cozy nest-making for hyacinth macaws, and mea...

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Brazil Untamed - Peccary Party
Épisode 3: Peccary Party

Trek through the forests and savannahs of the Pantanal’s Nhecolândia region, which is home to noisy herds of peccaries. Follow these pig-like mammals on their daily food-foraging routes, and run into ...

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Brazil Untamed - Jaguar Den
Épisode 4: Jaguar Den

Track a young jaguar as he practises hunting the way his mother taught him to. Watch him take on a caiman, who tests the inexperienced cat’s skills with quick moves and surprising power.

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Brazil Untamed - Cat Country
Épisode 5: Cat Country

Join a group of wildlife scientists tracking the comeback of the ocelot in the Pantanal. Check in on their network of trail cameras, which capture the movements of this elusive spotted cat, and see th...

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Brazil Untamed - Amazon Monkeys
Épisode 6: Amazon Monkeys

Get an inside look at the Pantanal’s most extraordinary primate families. Check out the ear-splitting cries of howler monkeys, the fearless leaps of curious saki monkeys, and the agile tails of highly...

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Brazil Untamed - Capybara's Pond
Épisode 7: Capybara's Pond

Meet the Pantanal’s mind-blowingly large capybaras, which can weigh up to 40 kilos! With a big litter of babies to raise, these rodents stay busy in and out of the region’s ponds, where they interact ...

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Brazil Untamed - Rheas-Cerrado
Épisode 8: Rheas-Cerrado

The rhea, a large, flightless bird, rules the roost in the Pantanal’s grasslands. Watch as rainy-season floods disappear and the region hosts myriad species, including marsh deer, crab-eating foxes, v...

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Brazil Untamed - Giant Otter Refuge
Épisode 9: Giant Otter Refuge

Join biologists on a hike through a giant otter refuge in the southern Pantanal. Will they find these shy, elusive animals or just the evidence of their day-to-day lives? On the trail, check in on amo...

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Brazil Untamed - The Pantanal
Épisode 10: The Pantanal

The Pantanal experiences extreme climatic shifts, from brutal droughts during the searingly hot dry season to floods created by rainy-season tempests. See how the region’s diverse animal population wo...

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À propos de la série

Genres: Documentaire
Love Nature
Brazil Untamed



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