Saison 1

Africa's Claws And Jaws - The Predator's Plight
Épisode 1: The Predator's Plight

The harsh reality of life as a hunter is never knowing where your next meal is coming from. To survive, every predator must kill.

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Africa's Claws And Jaws - Lethal By Design
Épisode 2: Lethal By Design

Snakes, spiders, and scorpions are the kind of creepy crawlies many fear the most. But in Africa, these species are refined predators.

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Africa's Claws And Jaws - Living With Sharks
Épisode 3: Living With Sharks

Sharks are among the planet’s oldest and most highly evolved predators. Along the coast of southern Africa, pioneers dedicate their lives to learning more about these fascinating creatures and spreadi...

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Africa's Claws And Jaws - Remarkable Reptiles
Épisode 4: Remarkable Reptiles

Lurking in the shadows of Africa is an incredible diversity of reptiles we seldom see. Masters of the underworld, these snakes and lizards have conquered almost every habitat on the continent while ev...

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À propos de la série

Genres: Documentaire
Love Nature
Africa's Claws And Jaws



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